Upcoming Events:
October 30: Autumn Celebration (Fellowship Hall, 6:30 PM)
Vote for your favorite chili in the Chili Cook Off, bid on a basket or two at the Gift Basket Silent Auction, try to win a cake in the cake walk, wear your costume, make a craft, and round out the night with a hayride. No scary or inapproriate costumes permitted. To help with any of these events, please sign up via signup genius or seek Rachel Kirk, Sara Green, or Macy Dreier.
November 8: Bonfire (Friday, 6 PM)
November 17: Church Conference
November 24: No Children’s Church
November 24: HRBC Thanksgiving Dinner
November 27: No Wednesday Night Activities
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-We regularly post updates on the HRBC Facebook page (link below).
-Missed a sermon? Previous messages from our Sunday and Wednesday services are available on our website and on the HRBC YouTube channel (link below).
-Online giving is available on our website and through the app, GivePlus Church.
Weekly Schedule:
Sunday Morning Activities:
-Sunday School, Main Service
-Nursery provided for Sunday school and main service
Children's Sunday School (starts at 9:45 AM)
Pre-K Class, Kindergarten-2nd, 3-5th, Youth: 6th-12th
Adult Sunday School Classes (starts at 9:45 AM)
-Located in the Fellowship Hall, Downstairs adult Bible Study room, Office Area Classroom
Wednesday Night Activities:
-Nursery not provided
-Gospel Project for Kids (starting at age 3)
-Youth Group (Middle School to High School)
-Adult Bible Study
Weekly Small Groups:
*Please see below for more information
Small Group Bible Studies Weekly Schedule:
Adult Bible Study, Off Campus, 5 PM (2nd/4th)
-The Gospel of John
College/Career Bible Study, Fellowship Hall, 6 PM (1st/3rd)
Women's Bible Study, Church, 10 AM
-The Book of Acts
Adult Bible Study, The Youth Room, 6:30 PM
-Old and New Testament Overview Studies (Three chapters a week through the Bible)
Adult Bible Study, Off Campus, 6:30 PM
-The Gospel of John
Men/Women Prayer Group, Church, 10 AM
-Studying the Psalm/Prayer
Thursday: Adult Bible Study, Off Campus, 6:30 PM
-Old and New Testament Overview Studies (Three chapters a week through the Bible)
Men's Bible Study, Off Campus, 8 AM (1st/3rd)
Men's Bible Study, Off Campus, 8 AM (2nd/4th)
-The book of Psalms Study
More Info (click the links below):